work lietuviškai
work vertimas 1. n 1) darbas, veikimas, veikla; at work darbe, dirbąs; in work turįs darbą; out of work bedarbis; job work vienetinis darbas; warm workpavojingas arba sunkus darbas; outside work darbas lauke, ore; to be hard at work įtemptai dirbti; to set to work imtis darbo; to do poor work blogai dirbti; to knock off work nutraukti darbą; to strike worksustreikuoti; 2) veikalas; kūrinys; 3)pl įmonė, dirbtuvė; gamykla; 4)pl statybiniai darbai; 5) kar. pl įtvirtinimai; 6)pl mechanizmas; repetition workmasinė gamyba;2. v (sen. wrought) 1) dirbti; 2) vairuoti (mašiną); 3) prasiskverbti; 4) išdirbti; to work against veikti prieš; to work against time stengtis užbaigti numatytu laiku; to work away toliau dirbti; to work in a) įstatyti, įvesti; b) atitikti; to work off a) išparduoti; b) nusikratyti, išsivaduoti; c) atidirbti (už skolą ir pan.); to work off one's bad temperišlieti ant ko nors blogą nuotaiką; to work out a) paruošti (planus); b) spręsti (uždavinius); c) sudaryti, pasiekti (kokį nors skaičių); to work over perdirbti; to work up a) išdirbti; b) išbaigti; apdailinti; c) sukelti; sukurstyti
- social work (n.) socialinė rūpyba, socialinis darbas
- social work (n.) socialinis darbas
- Social work Socialinis darbas
- out of work (adj.) tingus
- out-of-work (adj.) bedarbis, be darbo
- out of work () bedarbis, be darbo
- work coat (n.) darbinis chalatas
- musical work (n.) kūrinys, kompozicija
- work code (n.) darbo kodeksas
- work in (v.) dirbti
- work bench (n.) darbastalis
- work hand in glove with (v.) vieną ranką laikyti, eiti išvien
- at work (adj.) darbe, dirbantis
- do work (v.) dirbti
- work off (v.) numalšinti
- work of art (n.) grožybė, darbas, kūrinys, meno kūrinys
- work of art (n.) meno kūrinys
- body of work (n.) darbas, kūrinys
- piece of work (n.) darbas, kūrinys
- place of work (n.) dirbtuvė, cechas
- work day (n.) darbo diena
- work-day () darbo diena
- work contract (n.) darbo sutartis
- work force (n.) darbininkai, darbo jėga
- work study (n.) darbo proceso analizė
- work-basket () krepšelis/dėžutė su siuvimo reikmenimis
- work off one's tensions (v.) išsikrauti
- work-shy (adj.) tinginių maišas, ramus, tingus
- work shift (n.) pamaina
- work with (v.) dirbti
- work stoppage (n.) streikas
- work permit (n.) darbo leidimas
- Work permit Leidimas dirbti
- work-box () krepšelis/dėžutė su siuvimo reikmenimis
- work off one's frustrations (v.) išsikrauti
- work one's fingers to the bone (v.) lėtai judėti, veikti, dirbti juodą darbą, sunkiai dirbti, sunkiai, lėtai judėti/veikti, vergauti
- work over (v.) mušti
- work schedule (n.) sąrašas, tvarkaraštis, darbo grafikas
- work schedule (n.) darbo grafikas
- work up (v.) sugalvoti, pasiūlyti, sužadinti savyje
- work party (n.) brigada, grupė, būrys
- work-party () brigada, grupė, būrys
- work out (v.) išsispręsti, susitvarkyti, mankštintis, dirbti, sugalvoti, pasiūlyti, suprasti, suvokti, spręsti, išnarplioti, atskleisti, išspręsti, išaiškinti, skaičiuoti, suskaičiuoti
- work productivity (n.) darbo produktyvumas
- Work song Darbo dainos
- work up to (v.) pereiti prie
- work together (v.) bendradarbiauti, padėti, pagelbėti, susivienyti, drauge dirbti, suvienyti pastangas
- work wonders () daryti stebuklus
- allocation of work (n.) darbo paskirstymas
- remuneration of work (n.) atlyginimas už darbą
- humanisation of work (n.) darbo humanizavimas
- assembly line work (n.) darbas prie konvejerio
- piece work pay (n.) vienetinis atlygis
- rate of work (n.) darbo norma
- incapacity for work (n.) nedarbingumas
- voluntary work (n.) savanoriškas darbas
- persons in work (n.) dirbantieji
- reference work (n.) informacinė knyga, žinynas
- Reference work Žinynas
- prisoner work (n.) kalinių darbas
- unpaid work (n.) neatlyginamas darbas
- right to work (n.) teisė į darbą
- Right to work Teisė į darbą
- shift work (n.) pamaininis darbas
- organisation of work (n.) darbo organizavimas
- video display unit work (n.) darbas prie monitoriaus
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (n.) Europos darbo ir sveikatos apsaugos agentūra
- female work (n.) moterų darbas
- night work (n.) naktinis darbas
- team-work (n.) darbas drauge
- team work (n.) komandinis darbas
- (activity) activity directed toward making or doing something
- (production) a product produced or accomplished through the effort, activity, or agency of a person or thing
- (occupation) the occupation for which you are paid
- (learning) applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
- (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force
- (geographic point) a place where work is done
- (end product) the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)
- (exert oneself, doing) to exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity Similar to: do work
- (practice) to be employed
- (succeed) to have an effect or outcome, often the one desired or expected
- (function) to perform as expected when applied
- (transform) to shape, form, or improve a material
- (body verb) to give a workout to
- (pass) to proceed along a path
- (operate, certain place) to operate in a certain place, area, or specialty Similar to: do work
- (proceed) to proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity Type of: go. Similar to: make
- (move, agitated manner) to move in an agitated manner Type of: move
- (create) to cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
- (cause, work) to cause to work
- (farming) to prepare for crops
- (be) to behave in a certain way when handled Type of: be. Similar to: knead
- (affect) to have and exert influence or effect
- (operate, through) to operate in or through Type of: operate. Similar to: function
- (manage) to cause to operate or function Type of: manage
- (stimulate) to provoke or excite Type of: stimulate. Similar to: exploit
- (capture) to gratify and charm, usually to influence Type of: capture
- (create from raw material) to make something, usually for a specific function
- (move, onto) to move into or onto Type of: move
- (manipulate) to make uniform
- (exploit) to use or manipulate to one's advantage
- (understand) to find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of
- (convert) to cause to undergo fermentation
- (change state) to go sour or spoil
- (become) to arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion Type of: become
-work sinonimai exercise, train, work out
work sinonimai artwork, body of work, chore, employment, job, oeuvre, opus, piece of work, place of work, study, task, toil, work of art, workplace, works, writing, labor, labour, accomplish, achieve, act, act upon, be effective, be employed at, be employed by, be employed in, be in service of, be in the employ of, be on the payroll of, be running, bring, bring about, cause, crop, cultivate, do good, do work, drive, drudge, effect, effectuate, execute, exercise, exploit, ferment, figure out, forge, form, function, go, handle, help, impact, induce, influence, job, knead, lick, make, make for, manage, manipulate, move, operate, perform, plan out, play, plough, plow, process, produce, produce an effect, provoke, put to work, puzzle out, raise, reason out, run, set up, shape, solve, sour, square, sweat, take effect, think of something, turn, turn over, unravel, use, work in, work on, work out, work with, wreak, be in the pay of, hit on the idea, hit upon the idea, labor, labour, mold, mould