padaryti angliškai
padaryti vertimas (įv. reikš.) make; do; p. klaidą make a mistake; p. ką laimingą make smb happy; p. įspūdį make an impression (on, upon); p. naudingą darbą do useful work; p. ką savaip do smth in one's own way ; p. nuostolių do/cause damage (to); p. viską (kad) do everything ( + to inf); p. įtaką (kam) exert/exercise influence (on, upon), influence (smb, smth); nieko nepadarysi it can't be helped , nothing can be done about it
- galintis ką padaryti (adj.) apt, liable
- blogai padaryti () fiddle around, mess about, mess around, potter, putter, ruin, blight, mar, bedevil, balls up, botch, bumble, fumble, botch up, muff, blow, flub, screw up, ball up, spoil, muck up, bungle, fluff, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, bobble, mishandle, louse up, foul up, mess up, fuck up, make a hash of, foozle, bodge, make a mess of
- padaryti invalidu (v.) disable, invalid, incapacitate, handicap
- galų gale ką nors padaryti () finish up, land up, fetch up, end up, wind up, finish, land
- padaryti netvarką () mess up, disarrange, upset, disorder, disturb, disarray, mess about, mess around, make a mess of
- padaryti daug žalos () impair, play havoc with
- padaryti viską () tumble down, topple over, fall down, fall over, keel over, tip over, do one's damnedest, try one's hardest, do one's utmost, lean over backwards, fall over backwards, bend over backwards
- padaryti nevaisingą (v.) sterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, desexualise, fix, spay
- padaryti (ką) neproporcingą be
- padaryti išvadą (v.) understand, infer
- padaryti kvadratą (v.) raise to the power of two, raise to the square, square, square up
- padaryti našle (v.) widow
- padaryti nemirtingą (v.) immortalize, immortalise, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise
- padaryti brangų (v.) win over, endear
- padaryti liapsusą (v.) sin, blunder, boob, goof, put one's foot in one's mouth, drop a brick, drop a clanger, make a howler, put one's foot in it, make a bloomer, make a blooper, drop the ball, drop a brick / drop a clanger
- padaryti neišdildomą įspūdį () overawe, impress, ingrain, instill, leave/make one's mark
- padaryti nuostolių (v.) hit, strike
- padaryti pradžią scratch the surface
- padaryti pramogą (v.) amuse o.s., disport o.s., entertain o.s., have a good time, enjoy o.s., have fun, live it up, to enjoy yourself, come into its own, amuse, enjoy oneself
- padaryti visa () do one's level best, try one's best, go all out, give one's best, do one's best, to be on one's best behaviour, to put your best foot forward, give full measure, put a good face on it, grin and bear it, make the best of a bad job
- savo padaryti () exert o.s., pull one's weight, go to town
- norėdamas padaryti įspūdį for effect
- padaryti galą () stop, halt, block, kibosh, arrest, hold back, put a stop to, check, bring to an end, discontinue, terminate, end, put an end to, scotch
- padaryti iki galo () go through with, go the whole hog
- padaryti kniksą (v.) curtsy, curtsey
- padaryti mažesnį (v.) miniaturise, miniaturize
- padaryti karjerą () make the grade, attain, get, reach, succeed, win, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods, hold up one's end, to do well, be successful, be successful in, bring off, come off, manage, pull off, succeed in, win through, make it, go places
- padaryti neaiškų (v.) smear, blur, smudge, smutch
- padaryti nejudamą (v.) trap, pin, immobilize, immobilise
- padaryti nepralaidų garsui (v.) soundproof
- padaryti panašų (v.) anglicise, anglicize
- padaryti pertrauką (v.) make a pause, take a break, pause, intermit, break
- padaryti plokščią (v.) plane, flatten out, flatten
- padaryti tą patį meet (someone) halfway
- padaryti užuominą (v.) hint, suggest
- padaryti šukuoseną (v.) do somebody's hair, do s.o.'s hair
- padaryti žalos (v.) cripple
- padaryti kelią () allow to pass, let through, step aside, make room, make space, overlook, make way, stand aside
- padaryti netaktą () sin, blunder, boob, goof, put one's foot in one's mouth, drop a brick, drop a clanger, make a howler, put one's foot in it, make a bloomer, make a blooper, drop the ball, drop a brick / drop a clanger
- padaryti perversmą (v.) overturn, revolutionise, revolutionize
- padaryti įkarpą (v.) notch
- padaryti šiurkštų (v.) coarsen, harshen
- pavykti padaryti () fit the bill, fill the bill, do the trick, do
padaryti sinonimai daryti, nusimanyti apie, paruošti, pasiruošti, ruošti, siruošti, sudaryti, suprasti, apsirūpinti, atnešti, atvesti, būti, būti priežastimi, daryti, duoti, gaminti, gauti, imti, imtis, įsipareigoti, įvykdyti, mokytis, nešti, nubausti mirtimi, nuomoti, pagaminti, pamatuoti, parengti, pastatyti, pirkti, priversti, statyti, sudaryti, surengti, versti, vesti, vežti
- padarymas
- padarinys
- padargas
- padaryti
- padas
- padauginimas
- padauginti