step lietuviškai

step vertimas 1. v 1) žengtelėti; žengti; 2) eiti;to step after sekti; to step aside pasitraukti į šalį;perk. duoti kam kelią; to step back a) atsitraukti; b) grįžti; to step downnusileisti, nueiti (žemyn); to step forth/forwardžengti žingsnį į priekį; to step forth from išeiti iš; to step in/intožengti į, įžengti; įsikišti;to step off a) išeiti (iš laivo ir pan.);b) amer. padaryti klaidą; c) numirti; to step onprasidėti, ateiti; to step out išeiti; žingsniuoti; to step over peržengti, pereiti; to step short neapskaičiuoti žingsnio; to step up a) prieiti, prisiartinti; b) prastumti, nuvesti; c) amer. padidinti; d) amer. palengvinti;2. n 1) žingsnis (t. p. perk.); 2) laiptas; 3) (kojos)pėda, pėdsakas; in step kojon; in his steps perk. jo pėdomis; to keep step (with) eiti koja kojon;to take steps imtis žygių; step by stepžingsnis po žingsnio

  • half step (n.) pustonis
  • step in (v.) įsikišti, padėti, pakeisti
  • first step (n.) iniciatyva
  • skating step (n.) čiuožimas
  • step aside (v.) pasitraukti, pasitraukti į šalį, padaryti kelią
  • step back (v.) atsiimti, atsitraukti, pasitraukti
  • step ladder (n.) kopėčios
  • step on it (v.) dalyvauti varžybose, skuosti, lėkti, dumti, skubėti
  • step out (v.) žingsniuoti, paspartinti žingsnį, išlipti, nulipti
  • dance step (n.) žingsnis
  • step by step (adv.) žingsnis po žingsnio, palaipsniui, laipsniškai
  • step-by-step (adj.) palaipsniui, daromas dalimis, daromas dalimis/palaipsniui
  • one-step ski skating (n.) čiuožimas
  • step up (v.) augti, didėti, apsisukimų skaičių
  • step up () padidinti
  • step down (v.) atsistatydinti
  • step-down (n.) sumažėjimas, mažėjimas, sumažinimas, nuolaida
  • step-daughter (n.) podukra
  • step-sister (n.) įbrolis, įseserė
  • step-father (n.) pamotė, patėvis
  • step-mother (n.) pamotė, patėvis
  • step-son (n.) þentas
  • whole step (n.) tonacija
  • watch one's step () saugotis, apdairiai elgtis, būti atsargiam, atsiminti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (tactical maneuver) any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
  • (indefinite quantity) the distance covered by a step
  • (act, changing location) the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down Type of: locomotion
  • (support) support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway
  • (rank) relative position in a graded series
  • (small indefinite quantity) a short distance
  • (sound) the sound of a step of someone walking
  • (musical interval) a musical interval of 2 semitones
  • (mark) a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface
  • (block) a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed Type of: block
  • (step dancing) a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance
  • (shift, move, taking) to shift or move by taking a step Type of: travel. Follows: dance, walk
  • (tread) to put down or press the foot, place the foot
  • (run) to cause (a computer) to execute a single command Type of: run
  • (treat) to treat badly
  • (architecture) to furnish with steps Topic: architecture. Type of: supply
  • (move, feet, specific) to move with one's feet in a specific manner Type of: travel
  • (walk) to walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner Type of: walk
  • (put) to place (a ship's mast) in its step Type of: put
  • (quantify) to measure (distances) by pacing
  • (move, proceed, steps) to move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation Type of: move

step sinonimai advance, dance step, degree, footfall, footmark, footprint, footstep, front steps, gait, gradation, pace, phase, procedure, rung, stage, stair, stile, stone's throw, stride, tread, whole step, whole tone, abuse, get tough with, handle roughly, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, mast, mistreat, pace, process, stride, to give…a rough time, to rough someone up, tread, walk, march

step- sinonimai in-law, relative-in-law

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