advance lietuviškai
advance vertimas 1. v 1) stumti priekin; 2) paaukštinti; 3) pagerinti; 4) paskubinti; 5) iš anksto mokėti; 6) artintis; 7) augti, kilti; 8) žengti į priekį; to advance in age senti;2. n 1) žengimas į priekį; kar. puolimas; 2) pažanga, pasisekimas; 3) pagerėjimas; 4) kilimas; 5) pirmenybė, aplenkimas; 6) išmokėjimas iš anksto; in advance a) anksčiau, pirmiau; iš anksto; b) pirmyn; to be in advance a) pralenkti; b) skubėti (apie laikrodį)
- advance guard (n.) žvalgomasis, avangardas
- advance booking (n.) išankstinis užsakymas
- price fixed in advance (n.) išankstinė nustatytoji kaina
- in advance (adj.) išankstinis
- in advance (adv.) iš anksto
- in advance () priekyje
- advance voting (n.) išankstinis balsavimas
- advance payment (n.) išankstinė įmoka
- Advance Australia Fair Australijos himnas
- cash advance (n.) avansas
- Game Boy Advance
- (change of location) a movement forward
- (transformation) a change for the better; progress in development
- (suggestion) a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
- (motion) the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
- (sum of money) an amount paid before it's earned
- (step-up) increase in price or value
- (go) to move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
- (propose) to bring forward for consideration or acceptance
- (up) to increase or raise
- (support) to contribute to the progress or growth of
- (displace) to cause to move forward
- (gain ground) to obtain advantages, such as points, and so on
- (develop) to develop in a positive way
- (better) to develop further Type of: better
- (delegate) to give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
- (lend) to pay in advance Type of: lend
- (set) to move forward
- (wax) to rise in rate or price
- (early) being ahead of time or need
- (front) situated ahead or going before
advance sinonimai advanced, advance guard, beforehand, in advance, line of attack, attack, vanguard, advancement, advances, approach, betterment, boom, cash advance, feeler, forward motion, gain, headway, improvement, loan, onward motion, overture, overtures, procession, profit, progress, progression, promotion, rise, accelerate, boost, bring forward, elevate, encourage, expedite, further, gain, gain ground, get ahead, hasten, hoist, kick upstairs, lift, make headway, promote, pull ahead, put forward, put up, raise, set ahead, speed up, supercharge, throw out, upgrade, win, bear down on, come along, come on, come up to, come up towards, get ahead, get along, get on, get there, go forward, go on, improve, make for, make headway, make progress, march on, move forward, move on, pass on, progress, shape, shape up, move, move on, march, move up, abduce, cite, put forward, adduce