show lietuviškai
show vertimas 1. n 1) (pa)rodymas; 2) išorinė išvaizda; 3) paroda; vaizdas; 4) spektaklis;2. v (showed; showed, shown) (pa)rodyti, demonstruoti; to show in įvesti; to show off dumti akis; to show roundparodyti kam nors (miestą, muziejų ir pan.); to show one's teeth perk. parodyti priešiškumą; niurzgėti; to showupatskleisti (melą), iškelti aikštėn; šnek. pasirodyti
- show business (n.) pramogų industrija
- show-business (n.) pramogų industrija
- show biz (n.) pramogų industrija
- show out (v.) palydėti, išlydėti
- show-jumping (n.) arklių lenktynės su kliūtimis
- show o.s. (v.) pasirodyti
- animal show (n.) gyvūnų paroda
- show itself (v.) atsirasti
- show off with (v.) įsivaizdinti, begėdiškai neigti, puikuotis
- show one's paces ko yra vertas, parodyti
- show oneself in one's true colours () parodyti savo tikrąjį veidą
- show respect for (v.) gerbti, vertinti, garbinti, labai gerbti
- show up (v.) pasirodyti, ryškiai matytis, atsirasti
- show up () kirčiuoti, akcentuoti, pabrėžti, pabraukti, išryškinti, parodyti iš blogosios pusės
- show off (v.) įsivaizdinti, begėdiškai neigti, puikuotis
- show-off (n.) pagyrūnas, pasipūtėlis, įsivaizdėlis
- show off () pasipuikuoti, ryškiai matytis, pasirodyti
- talk show (n.) radijo/televizijos diskusijų laida
- make a show of (v.) įsivaizdinti, begėdiškai neigti, puikuotis
- show window (n.) vitrina, stendas
- (entertainment) the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining
- (demonstration) something intended to communicate a particular impression
- (social event) a social event involving a public performance or entertainment
- (pretense) pretending that something is the case to make a good impression
- (exhibit) to give an exhibition of to an interested audience
- (confirm) to establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
- (law) to provide evidence for
- (see) to make visible or noticeable
- (artistic production) to show in, or as in, a picture
- (convey) to give expression to
- (point) to indicate a place, direction, person, or thing, either spatially or figuratively
- (appear) to be or become visible or noticeable
- (gauges, instruments, indicate) of gauges and instruments, to indicate a certain reading
- (give evidence, records) to give evidence of, as of records Type of: read
- (lead) to take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums
- (race) to finish 3rd or better in a horse or dog race Type of: race
show sinonimai color, colour, gloss, semblance, appearance, broadcast, display, performance, program, programme, transmission, spectacle, monstrance, demonstration, display, television show, TV program, TV show, program, programme, television program, television programme, accompany, accord, act up to, air, attest, bear witness, be a tribute to, bespeak, bestow, clarify, comply with, confer, demo, demonstrate, depict, depose, designate, disclose, display, divulge, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, explain, expose, express, follow, fulfil, fulfill, give evidence, grant, hang, illustrate, indicate, live up to, manifest, obey, observe, perform, picture, point, point at, point out, present, produce evidence of, produce proof of, prove, read, record, redeem, register, render, reveal, shew, show up, signify, substantiate, teach, testify, usher, witness, witness to, bespeak, demonstrate, exhibit, express, feature, give evidence of