hang lietuviškai
hang vertimas 1. v (hung ir hanged, bet hangedreiškia pakartas (apie žmogų)); 1) kabėti; (iš)kabinti; 2) karti (bausti); 3) apklijuoti; 4) (apie drabužį) gulėti; to hang about/(a)round a) pakibti, artėti (apie pavojų, audrą); b) slankioti; slampinėti; to hang back svyruoti; to hang down pakibti, nusvirti; to hang on tvirtai laikytis; (kuo nors) remtis; hang on a minute! šnek. palauk valandėlę; to hang out a) išsikišti; b) iškabinti (vėliavą, skelbimus), to hang together veikti, būti drauge; atitikti; to hang up a) atidėti; delsti, pertraukti; b) šnek. pakabinti telefono ragelį; c) iškabinti (žemėlapį, drabužius);2. n 1) (suknelės)gulėjimas; tikimas; 2) to get a hang of smth šnek. a) patikrinti veikimą (prietaiso); b) suprasti (reikšmę);not to give/care a hang nė trupučio nesirūpinti
- get the hang of permanyti, perprasti
- hang about (v.) dykinėti, šlaistytis, slampinėti, slankioti, stoviniuoti, trainiotis, trainiotis aplink, gaišuoti, atidėlioti, vilkinti
- hang askew (v.) grimzti, smegti, nusėsti
- hang around (v.) trainiotis aplink, gaišuoti, atidėlioti, vilkinti, šlaistytis, slampinėti, stoviniuoti, slankioti, dykinėti, trainiotis
- hang up (v.) padėti ragelį, baigti telefono pokalbį, padėti telefono ragelį, pakabinti, kabinti, kaboti
- hang-up (n.) kliūtis, trūkumas
- hang down (v.) būti nukarusiam, karoti
- hang in the balance abejotinas
- hang in (v.) užsispirti, atkakliai ką daryti, eiti pirmyn, stengtis iš visų jėgų
- hang on (v.) neišleisti iš rankų, palaukti, sekioti
- hang on (v.) užsispirti, atkakliai ką daryti, eiti pirmyn, stengtis iš visų jėgų
- hang on () laukti, palaukti, laikytis už
- Hang-On
- hang back (v.) atsilikti, vilktis, driektis
- hang back () abejoti, dvejoti, svyruoti, svirduliuoti, klupčioti, spyriotis, nerodyti noro, nesiryžti
- hang together (v.) sutapti, derintis
- (natural endowment) a special way of doing something
- (fit) the way a garment hangs Type of: fit
- (gymnastic exercise) a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings, horizontal bar, or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms Type of: gymnastic exercise
- (be suspended, hanging) to be suspended or hanging Similar to: hang up. Caused by: hang up
- (hang up) to cause to be hanging or suspended
- (execute) to kill by hanging
- (drop) to let drop or droop Type of: drop
- (fall) to fall or flow in a certain way
- (be) to be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive Type of: be
- (listen) to give heed (to)
- (be suspended, poised) to be suspended or poised
- (grasp) to hold on tightly or tenaciously
- (be exhibited) to be exhibited
- (obstruct) to prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury Type of: obstruct
- (decorate) to decorate or furnish with something suspended Type of: decorate
- (be placed, position) to be placed in position as by a hinge
- (place, position, hinge) to place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction Type of: fasten
- (decompose) to suspend (meat) to get a gamey taste Type of: decompose
hang sinonimai bent, knack, adhere, advert, attach, attend, be careful, be suspended, cling, dangle, decorate, demur, depend, display, drape, dress, droop, execute, exhibit, expose, fall, float, flow, furnish, gibbet, give ear, hang down, hang on, hang up, hook on, hook to, hover, linger, loiter, lynch, mind, offer, pay heed, poise, present, put away, put in storage, rely, rest, show, store, store away, string up, suspend, suspend from, waver, be suspended, droop, hang down, couple to, hang on, hitch, hitch onto, hook, hook on, put away, put in storage, store away, string up