after lietuviškai
after vertimas 1. cj po to, kai; 2. adv, prp 1) (vietos atžvilgiu) po, užpakalyje; the man was close after him vyras sekė įkandin jo; 2) (laiko atžvilgiu) po (to), vėliau, paskui; after dinner po pietų; after tomorrow poryt; 3) pagal; after the latest fashion pagal paskutinę madą; after Byron Bairono stiliumi; day after day diena po dienos; after all pagaliau; she took after her mother ji panaši į savo motiną; 3. a sekantis, kitas
- after a fashion (adv.) šiaip taip
- be after (v.) planuoti, ketinti, pasirengti, rengti, numatyti
- be after (v.) ieškoti
- one after the other (adv.) be sustojimo, neatsitraukiant, ištisai, be pertraukos, nesustodamas, iš eilės, be perstojo, vienas po kito
- take after () būti panašiam į, atrodyti kaip
- after all (adv.) pagaliau, šiaip ar taip, vis dėlto, kas bus, tas bus, galop, galų gale, baigtis tuo, kad galų gale, galiausiai
- after the manner of () ... būdu
- after part (n.) laivagalis
- after tax (adv.) grynas
- after-sales service (n.) paslaugos po prekių pardavimo
- come after (v.) pakeisti, paveldėti
- day after day (adv.) diena iš dienos
- day-after-day (adj.) kasdien, kasdieninis
- go after (v.) persekioti, vytis, sekti, nusivyti, sekioti įkandin
- go after (v.) taikytis į
- one after another (adv.) be sustojimo, neatsitraukiant, ištisai, be pertraukos, nesustodamas, iš eilės, be perstojo, vienas po kito, vorele, vienas paskui kitą
- send after (v.) persiųsti
- look after (v.) gydyti, rūpintis, prižiūrėti
- run after () persekioti, vytis, sekti, nusivyti, sekioti įkandin
- (aft) located farther aft Similar to: aft
- (subsequently) happening at a time subsequent to a reference time
- (rear) behind or in the rear
after sinonimai coming, follow, following, next, prospective, subsequent, upcoming, afterwards, below, in the future, later, later on, next, subsequently, subsequent to, then, afterward, aback, although, back of, because of, behind, considering, despite the fact that, following, for, from, given, in, in spite ot the fact that, in view of, later, meanwhile, much as, notwithstanding the fact that, on, on account of, outward, owing to, past, subsequently, subsequent to, thanks to, through, what with, when, whereas, while