head lietuviškai
head vertimas 1. n 1) galva; to go off one's head išprotėti; at the head ofpriešakyje; head over heels kulvirsčia; to keep one's head išlaikyti ramybę; to lay heads together šnek. tartis; above/over one's headper sunku suprasti; 2) vinies galvutė; 3) (lovos)galvūgalis; 4) (medžio)viršūnė; (puslapio) viršus; 5) vadas; viršininkas; vedėjas; at the head of priekyje; to be unable to make head or tail of smth nieko negalėti suprasti; by the head and ears prievarta (pritraukti); to turn smb's headkvaršinti kam galvą; off one's head beprotis; to go off one's head netekti galvos; out of one's headsuglumęs, netekęs proto; 2. v 1) vadovauti (judėjimui); 2) pavadinti (straipsnį); to head for vykti į; to head back/off užkirsti kelią; 3. a vyriausias
- head-first (adv.) pakrikai, bet kaip
- head louse (n.) utėlė, galvos utėlė
- Head louse Galvinė utėlė
- head of state (n.) valdovas, valstybės vadovas
- head of State (n.) valstybės vadovas
- Head of state Valstybės vadovas
- get into s.o.'s head (v.) aiškiai parodyti, būti suprantamam, suprantamai perteikti, perprasti, įsisąmoninti
- a head (adv.) žmogus
- head chef (n.) vyriausiasis virėjas
- head ache (n.) galvos skausmas
- head butt (v.) trenkti galva
- head-butt (v.) trenkti galva
- head of household (n.) šeimos galva
- head covering (n.) vualis, šydas, skraistė, uždanga
- head man (n.) galvutė, vadas, vadovas, vyriausiasis, galva
- head honcho (n.) įtakingas asmuo
- head of government (n.) vyriausybės vadovas
- Head teacher Mokyklos vadovybė
- head of agricultural holding (n.) ūkio vadovas
- head plate (n.) marmuras
- head-to-head (adv.) beveik kartu, lygiai
- head over heels (adv.) iki ausų, kūlvirsčia
- head office (n.) pagrindinė būstinė
- head off (v.) išvengti
- head off () užkirsti kelią, eiti, vykti, traukti, keliauti į
- head restraint (n.) galvos atramėlė
- head start (n.) pranašumas, persvara
- head-hunting (n.) darbuotojų verbavimas
- head-dress (n.) kepuraitė, galvos apdangalas
- head-in-the-clouds (adj.) lengvabūdiškas
- head-on (adj.) priekinis, nosimis, priešakinis, iš priekio
- head up (v.) vadovauti
- head-shrinker (n.) psichiatras
- (external body part) the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains
- (domestic animal) a single domestic animal Type of: domestic animal
- (cognition) that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason
- (leader) a person who is in charge
- (military machine) the front of a military formation or procession Topic: military machine. Type of: formation
- (pressure level) the pressure exerted by a fluid Type of: pressure level
- (top) the top of something
- (beginning) the source of water from which a stream arises
- (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
- (tip) the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates) Type of: point. Part of: abscess
- (linear unit) the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head
- (plant organ) a dense cluster of flowers or foliage
- (educator) the educator who has executive authority for a school
- (individual) an individual person Type of: individual
- (drug user) a user of (usually soft) drugs Type of: drug user
- (natural elevation) a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
- (physical object) a rounded compact mass Type of: physical object
- (foam) the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container Type of: foam
- (front end) the part in the front or nearest the viewer
- (juncture) a difficult juncture
- (progression) a forward movement
- (mark) a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer
- (subject) the subject matter at issue
- (line) a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it's about
- (rounded end, bone) the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint Topic: general anatomy. Type of: body structure
- (skeletal muscle) that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves Topic: general anatomy. Type of: body structure. Part of: skeletal muscle
- (information technology) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk
- (obverse) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head Type of: obverse. Part of: coin
- (striker) the striking part of a tool Type of: striker. Part of: hammer |ram
- (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship
- (projection) a projection out from one end Type of: projection. Part of: bolt
- (membrane) a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum
- (sexual perversion) an oral stimulation of the genitals
- (proceed) to go or travel towards Type of: proceed
- (social verb) to be in charge of
- (precede) to travel in front of; to go in advance of others
- (be) to be the 1st or leading member of (a group) and excel
- (control) to direct the course; to determine the direction of travelling
- (originate) to take its rise Type of: originate
- (lie) to be in the front of or on top of Type of: lie
- (form) to form a head, or come or grow to a head Type of: form
- (remove) to remove the head of Type of: remove
head sinonimai entitle, title, central, cephalic, chief, leading, main, most important, preeminent, premier, prime, principal, aptitude, beginning, big man, boss, brain, brains, cape, capitulum, captain, caput, chief, chieftain, commander, conclusion, crisis, culmination, director, drumhead, endowment, face, faculty, forefront, foreland, fountainhead, front, gift, governor, headache, headboard, header, heading, headland, head man, head of bed, head of cattle, heads, headspring, head teacher, headway, head word, heavyweight, horsehead seal, human head, kisser, leader, leading figure, manager, mind, natural endowment, nib, nous, oral sex, origin, pass, peak, phiz, point, promontory, psyche, question, read/write head, reason, rise, ruler, school principal, smiler, source, straits, summit, supervisor, swayer, talent, title, top, vanguard, wit, wits, countenance, gob, headmaster, headmistress, mug, nut, pate, physiognomy, principal, top dog, trap, visage, headache, head ache, cephalalgia, channelise, channelize, control, direct, guide, head for, head off, head up, lead, make a header, make one's way, manage, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, point, steer
- he's
- he'll
- he
- head
- head-line
- head-nurse
- head-piece