under lietuviškai
under vertimas 1. prp 1) po, žemiau; apačioje; 2) mažiau negu; it is under repair taisomas; under one's own vine and fig-tree perk. savo namuose; saugus; under the sunžemėje; šiame pasaulyje; under condition that... su sąlyga, kad...; 3) valdant; under Mindaugas Mindaugui valdant; 4) pagal, sutinkamai su; under modern conditions dabartinėmis sąlygomis; under the rose slaptai; to speak under one's breath šnibždėti; 2. adv žemyn, apačion; to go under 1) nuskęsti; 2) dingti; 3) amer. šnek. mirti; 3. a 1) apatinis; 2) žemesnis, žemutinis; pavaldus
- under one's breath () pašnibždomis
- under a cloud (būti) nemalonėje, (būti) nemalonėje, įtariamam, įtariamam
- under someone's thumb () po kieno nors padu, po padu laikomas
- put under (v.) apmarinti, anestezuoti
- under one's own steam () savo jėgomis, be niekieno pagalbos
- keep under control (v.) nuslopinti, užgniaužti
- under the auspices of (adv.) globojant, kieno nors iniciatyva, remiant
- under arrest (adv.) areštuotas
- keep o.s. under control (v.) valdyti save
- under (a person's) (very) nose iš po kieno nosies
- go under (v.) nuskęsti, nusileisti, paskandinti, paskęsti
- under consideration (adj.) nagrinėjamas, tvarkomas
- under canvas palapinėse
- under control (adv.) kontroliuojamas, prižiūrimas, valdomas
- have under control (v.) nuslopinti, užgniaužti
- take from under s.o.'s nose (v.) nušvilpti, nukniaukti, vogti, voginėti
- under attack (adj.) apšaudomas
- under fire (adj.) apšaudomas
- keep under (v.) engti
- hold under (v.) engti
- under way (adv.) vyksta, daroma
- cultivation under plastic (n.) auginimas po plėvele
- rule under emergency powers (n.) ypatingoji padėtis
- under the sun () pasaulyje
- under the weather (adj.) nesveikuojantis, negaluojantis, nesveikas, nekaip, nelabai sveikas, nekaip atrodantis
- under-the-table (adj.) užkulisiuose
- processing under customs control (n.) muitinės kontroliuojamas perdirbimas
- transport under customs control (n.) muitinės kontroliuojamas transportas
- (low) located below or beneath something else
- (subordinate) lower in rank, power, or authority Similar to: subordinate
- (defeat, death, ruin) down to defeat, death, or ruin
- (range downward) through a range downward
- (unconsciousness) into unconsciousness
- (state, subordination, subjugation) in or into a state of subordination or subjugation
- (quantity, limit) below some quantity or limit
- (horizon) below the horizon
- (adverb: below) down below
- (alow) further down
under sinonimai lower, lowest, nether, undermost, at the bottom, below, beneath, beneath that, down, downstairs, downwards, from below, from down below, under here, under it, underneath, underneath it, underneath that, underneath them, underneath those, under that, under them, under those, downward, downwardly, below, beneath, during, subordinate to, underneath