trial lietuviškai
trial vertimas n 1) bandymas; išmėginimas; on trial išbandymui, bandomas; to give a trial išbandyti; 2) byla; teisminis procesas; to bring to trial, to put on trial patraukti į teismą
- Clinical trial Klinikinis tyrimas
- detention before trial (n.) kardomasis sulaikymas
- trial and error (n.) bandymas, kol išeina
- Trial by ordeal Ordalija
- trial of strength (n.) susidūrimas, konfrontacija, susirėmimas
- on trial (adv.) išbandymui, patikrinimui
- on trial (adj.) teisiamas, bandomas
- by trial and error (adv.) eksperimentuojant
- Randomized controlled trial Eksperimentiniai tyrimai
- trial impression (n.) korektūra
- trial run (n.) išbandymas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (run) the act of testing something
- (experimentation) trying something to find out about it
- (act, undergoing testing) the act of undergoing testing
- (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law Topic: law. Type of: proceedings
- (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications Topic: sports. Type of: contest
- (affliction) an annoying, frustrating, or catastrophic event
trial sinonimai affliction, assay, blow, effort, event, examination, experience, grief, hardship, hearing, lawsuit, legal proceedings, legal suit, litigation, misery, ordeal, probation, proof, run, sorrow, test, testing, trial run, tribulation, tryout, visitation, woe, case, causa, cause, plea, hearing, lawsuit, legal proceedings, legal suit, session, sitting, suit
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