book lietuviškai
book vertimas 1. n knyga; reference book vadovas, žiniaraštis; to be on the books būti sąrašuose; by the book tiksliai; to bring to books patraukti atsakomybėn; 2. v 1) įtraukti, įrašyti į knygą; I'm booked pakliuvau, įkliuvau; 2) užsakyti bilietą; to book a ticket in advance iš anksto užsakyti bilietą; 3) išduoti ar imti bilietą
- Book of Daniel Danieliaus knyga
- Book of Zephaniah Sofonijo knyga
- Book of Deuteronomy Pakartotas Įstatymas
- Book of Esther Esteros knyga
- Book of Ezra Ezros knyga
- Book of Isaiah Izaijo knyga
- Book of Mormon Mormono knyga
- Book of Ezekiel Ezechielio knyga
- Book of Genesis Pradžios knyga
- Book of Hosea Ozėjo knyga
- Book of Joel Joelio knyga
- Book of Judges Teisėjų knyga
- book jacket (n.) knygos aplankas, aplankas
- Book of Amos Amoso knyga
- Book of Habakkuk Habakuko knyga
- Book of Haggai Agėjo knyga
- Book of Obadiah Abdijo knyga
- Book of Jonah Jonos knyga
- Book of Joshua Jozuės knyga
- Book of Lamentations Raudų knyga
- book binding (n.) įrišimas
- Book of Job Jobo knyga
- Book of Micah Michėjo knyga
- Book of Nehemiah Nehemijo knyga
- Book of Revelation Apreiškimas Jonui
- black book (n.) juodasis sąrašas
- book in () užsiregistruoti, išsiregistruoti
- Book of Exodus Išėjimo knyga
- Book of Malachi Malachijo knyga
- Book of Leviticus Kunigų knyga
- Book of Numbers Skaičių knyga
- Book of Proverbs Patarlių knyga
- Book of Nahum Nahumo knyga
- Book of Ruth Rūtos knyga
- Book of Jeremiah Jeremijo knyga
- Good Book (n.) Biblija, Senasis testamentas
- book of facts (n.) informacinė knyga, žinynas
- reference book (n.) informacinė knyga, žinynas
- book trade (n.) knygų leidyba ir prekyba
- book-keeping (n.) buhalterija, sąskaityba
- book of instructions (n.) naudojimosi instrukcija
- Book value Bendrovės balansinė kaina
- book of account (n.) didžioji knyga
- telephone book (n.) telefonų knyga, knyga, sąrašas, telefono abonentų knyga
- International Standard Book Number ISBN
- book of maps (n.) atlasas
- Book of Zechariah Zacharijo knyga
- Deseret (Book of Mormon) Deseretas
- Book of the Dead Mirusiųjų knyga
- by the book pagal taisykles
- comic book (n.) komiksas
- Comic book Komiksų knyga
- The Book of Five Rings Penkių žiedų knyga
- The Urantia Book Urantijos knyga
- (publication) a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)
- (volume) physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together
- (fact) a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone
- (dramatic composition) a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance
- (ledger) a record in which commercial accounts are recorded
- (card game) a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game Topic: card game. Type of: collection
- (rule book) a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made
- (section) a major division of a long written composition
- (number, sheets, ticket) a number of sheets (ticket, stamps, or so on) bound together on one edge
- (schedule) to engage for a performance Type of: schedule
- (request) to arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
- (enter) to record a charge in a police register Type of: record
- (register) to register in a hotel booker Type of: register
- (Koran) the sacred writings of Islam (or a copy thereof) revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina
- (Christian Bible) the sacred writings of the Christian religions
Book sinonimai al-Qur'an, Bible, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Koran, Qur'an, Quran, Scripture, Scriptures, vulgate, Word, Word of God, Evangel
book sinonimai playscript, record, record book, rule book, script, volume, account book, book of account, books, daybook, ledger, leger, dart, dash, engage, flash, give a ticket, impose a fine on, list, make a report, record, register, reserve, scoot, scud, shoot, spare, hold, put on record, record, reserve, engage, register