want lietuviškai
want vertimas 1. n 1) stoka, trūkumas; for/through want ofdėl... stokos; 2) būtinas reikalas, reikalingumas; 3) skurdas; 2. v 1) norėti; 2) reikėti, stokoti; 3) reikalauti; he is wanted by the police policija jo ieško; wanting 1. a 1) stokojąs; 2) trūkstąs; nepakankamas; 2.prp be
- want ad (n.) skelbimas „Reikalinga“, skelbimas
- for want of () nesant, nepavykus gauti
- want for () baigtis, išsisemti, neturėti pakankamai, turėti nedaug, neturėti daugiau, pristigti, stigti, neturėti, nebūti, trūkti
- want to (v.) norėti, trokšti, turėti noro, malonėti
- All I Really Want to Do (album) All I Really Want to Do
- Powerless (Say What You Want)
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (poverty) a state of extreme poverty
- (deficiency) the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
- (necessity) anything that is necessary but lacking
- (wishing) a specific feeling of desire
- (desiderate) to feel or have a desire for; to want strongly
- (be) to have need of
- (search) to hunt or look for; to want for a particular reason Type of: search
- (cognition verb) to wish or demand the presence of Type of: demand
- (miss) to be without, lack; to be deficient in Type of: miss
want sinonimai a need for, could be doing with, could do with, dearth, deficiency, deprivation, distress, fancy, feel like, have a good mind to, lack, misery, need, neediness, poverty, privation, sorrow, wish, wishing, covet, crave, hunger for, lack, long for, need, require, want to, wish, wish for, wish to, be lacking, be willing to, care, desire, hunger, like, long for, need, pant, require, should like, want for, want to, wish, wish for, wish to, would like
Netoliese want esantys žodžiai