skin lietuviškai
skin vertimas 1. n 1) oda, kailis; 2) žievelė; odelė; 2. v 1) lupti odą, kailį, žievelę; 2) apsidengti odele, surandėti
- skin rash (n.) išbėrimas
- color of the skin (n.) veido spalva
- skin colour (n.) veido spalva
- Skin effect Paviršinis efektas
- animal skin (n.) gyvūno oda
- skin color (n.) veido spalva
- skin disease (n.) odos liga
- skin-dive (n.) nardymas su plaukmenimis
- skin diving (n.) nardymas su plaukmenimis
- skin-diving (n.) nardymas su plaukmenimis
- skin flick (n.) pornografinis filmas
- skin-tight (adj.) aptemptas, prigludęs
- skin senses (n.) lytėjimas
- skin-deep (adj.) paviršinis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (general anatomy) a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch
- (surface) an outer surface (usually thin) Type of: surface. Part of: aircraft
- (hide) the body covering of a living animal
- (animation) a person's skin regarded as their life Type of: animation
- (rind) the rind of a fruit or vegetable
- (bag) a bag serving as a container for liquids; it's made from the hide of an animal Type of: bag
- (climb) to climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
- (injure) to bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of
- (bark) to remove the bark of a tree
- (pare) to strip the skin off
skin sinonimai bark, cutis, hide, peel, peelings, pelt, rind, skinhead, tegument, bark, chafe, flay, graze, pare, peel, scrape, strip, strip off, bark, clamber, clamber up, climb over, ferret about in, husk, pare, peel, scramble, scrape, search, search for, search through, shin, shinny, sputter, strip, strip off, struggle, stub, unravel, flay, sift
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