sift lietuviškai

sift vertimas v 1) sijoti, nusijoti (from); 2) kruopščiai ištirti, patikrinti (faktus); 3) apibarstyti (cukrum ir pan.)

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (travel) to move as if through a sieve Type of: travel
  • (separate) to separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements
  • (analyze) to check and sort carefully
  • (choose) to distinguish and separate out

sift sinonimai assort, classify, enquire, enquire into, examine, explore, ferret about in, filter, inquire, inquire into, investigate, riddle, screen, screen out, scrutinise, search through, sieve, sift through, sort, sort out, strain, trace, unravel, winnow, ferret about in, husk, pare, search, search for, search through, skin, unravel

Netoliese sift esantys žodžiai