forbidden lietuviškai

forbidden vertimas 1. pp iš forbid; 2. a draudžiamas; uždraustas

  • Forbidden City Uždraustasis miestas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (command) to command against
  • (prevent) to keep from happening or arising; to make impossible
  • (impermissible) excluded from use or mention

forbid sinonimai ban, ban, debar, defeat, deny, deter, disallow, discourage, dismiss, flout, foreclose, forestall, inhibit, interdict, nix, ostracise, ostracize, outlaw, overrule, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, repudiate, shut out, spurn, veto, vote down

forbidden sinonimai banned, contraband, no-go, out, prohibited, proscribed, taboo, tabu, unauthorized, unjustified, verboten

Netoliese forbidden esantys žodžiai