wild lietuviškai
wild vertimas 1. a 1) laukinis; to grow/ run wild perk. augti neprižiūrimam; sulaukėti; the W. Westn laukiniai Vakarai; 2) negyvenamas; 3) fantastiškas; 4) smarkus, audringas; 5) pasiutęs, pašėlęs; to drive wild įsiutinti; 6) neapgalvotas; to be wild about žavėtis; eiti iš galvos;2. n 1) natūrali aplinka; 2) dykuma; dykynė;3. adv kaip pakliuvo, kur pakliuvo
- wild blue yonder (n.) mėlynė
- wild boar (n.) šernas
- Wild boar Šernas
- Wild West (n.) Laukiniai Vakarai
- the Wild West () Laukiniai Vakarai
- in the wild () natūralioje aplinkoje
- wild-goose chase (n.) siekimas nepasiekiamo
- Wild goat Bezoarinis ožys
- wild mammal (n.) laukinis žinduolis
- wild wilkworm (n.) šilkverpis, šilkaverpis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (state) a wild primitive state untouched by civilization
- (geographical area) a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition
- (marked, extreme lack) marked by extreme lack of restraint or control Similar to: chaotic, delirious, frenzied, unsubdued
- (untamed) in a natural state; not tamed, domesticated, or cultivated
- (passionate) in a state of extreme emotion Similar to: passionate
- (uncontrolled) deviating widely from an intended course Similar to: uncontrolled
- (intense) of colors or sounds, intensely vivid or loud
- (unsupported) without a basis in reason or fact
- (insane) talking or behaving irrationally
- (dangerous) involving risk or danger
- (unrealistic) fanciful and unrealistic
- (inhospitable) located in a dismal or remote area
- (enthusiastic) intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
- (noncivilized) without civilizing influences
- (stormy) of the elements, as if showing violent anger
- (rampantly) in an uncontrolled and rampant manner
- (wild, undomesticated manner) in a wild or undomesticated manner
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