unbend lietuviškai

unbend vertimas v (unbent) 1) at(si)lenkti, at(si)leisti; 2) ištiesinti; iš(si)lyginti; 3) duoti poilsį

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (change posture) to straighten up or out; to make straight
  • (unfasten) to unfasten, as a sail, from a spar or a stay Type of: unfasten
  • (free, flexure) to free from flexure Type of: straighten out
  • (loosen) to make less taut
  • (change state) to become less tense, rest, or take one's ease
  • (make relaxed) to release from mental strain, tension, or formality Type of: make relaxed
  • (unfold) to open or straighten out

unbend sinonimai decompress, loosen up, relax, slow down, straighten, take one's ease, unwind

Netoliese unbend esantys žodžiai