recommendation lietuviškai

recommendation vertimas n rekomendacija, patarimas

  • EAEC recommendation (n.) EAEB rekomendacija
  • EC recommendation (n.) EB rekomendacija
  • Community recommendation (n.) Bendrijos rekomendacija
  • ECSC recommendation (n.) EAPB rekomendacija
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (advice) something (as a course of action) that is recommended as advisable Type of: advice
  • (praise) something that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable
  • (characteristic) any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception, acceptance, or admission

recommendation sinonimai advice, approval, ballot, certificate, commendation, counsel, direction, endorsement, good word, guidance, letter of recommendation, nomination, opinion, passport, piece of advice, proposal, reference, suggestion, testimonial, ticket, attestation, list of candidates, slate

Netoliese recommendation esantys žodžiai