wrinkled lietuviškai

wrinkled vertimas raukšlėtas

  • Wrinkled Hornbill Raukšlėtasis ragasnapis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (contract) to gather or contract into wrinkles or folds
  • (ruckle) to make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; to make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in
  • (furrow) to make wrinkled or creased
  • (crumple) to become wrinkled, crumpled, or creased
  • (unsmoothed) marked by wrinkles
  • (unironed) of linens or clothes, not ironed

wrinkled sinonimai unironed, wrinkly

wrinkle sinonimai contrivance, corrugation, crease, crinkle, crumple, dodge, fold, furrow, gimmick, ingenuity, knack, line, pucker, ruck, rumple, seam, sleight, trick, corrugate, crease, crinkle, crumple, crush, fold up, frown, furl, gather, pucker, rumple, shrivel, tuck, crease, crinkle, crisp, crumple, crush, fold, frown, furrow, pleat, purse, ruckle, rumple, screw up, scrunch, scrunch up, tuck

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