scorch lietuviškai

scorch vertimas 1. v 1) (nusi) deginti, svilinti; nudegti; išdeginti; 2) šnek. smarkiai dumti, spausti (greit važiuoti); 3) šnek. žiauriai kritikuoti;2. n paviršinis nudegimas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (surface burn) a surface burn
  • (plant disease) a plant disease that produces a browning or scorched appearance of plant tissues Type of: plant disease
  • (stain) a discoloration caused by heat Type of: stain
  • (heat up) to make very hot and dry
  • (combust) to become superficially burned
  • (burn down) to destroy completely by, or as if by, fire Type of: burn down
  • (cooking) to burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color
  • (dry out) to become scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions Type of: dry out

scorch sinonimai singe, blacken, char, sear, singe

Netoliese scorch esantys žodžiai