congest lietuviškai

congest vertimas v per(si)pildyti

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • to become or cause to become obstructed

Congest sinonimai Almirall Brand of Estrogens, Conjugated, ASTA Medica Brand of Estrogens, Carentil, Climarest, Climopax, Conjugated Equine Estrogens, Conjugated Estrogens, Dagynil, Estro-Feminal, Estrogenic Hormones, Estrogenic Substances, Estrogens, Conjugated , Femavit, Mack Brand of Estrogens, Major Brand of Estrogens, Oestrofeminal, Oestro-Feminal, Pasadena Brand of Estrogens, Pharmacia Brand of Estrogens, Prelestrin, Premarin, Presomen, Progens, Solvay Brand of Estrogens, Transannon, Trianon Brand of Estrogens, Wyeth Brand of Estrogens

congest sinonimai back up, choke, choke off, clog, clog up, foul, glut, stuff

Netoliese congest esantys žodžiai