Malay lietuviškai

Malay vertimas 1. n 1) malajietis; 2) malajiečių kalba; 2. a malajiečių

  • Malay language Malajų kalba
  • Malay Archipelago Malajų salynas
  • Malay Peninsula Malakos pusiasalis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (Asian) a member of a people inhabiting the northern Malay Peninsula, Malaysia, and parts of the western Malay Archipelago
  • (Western Malayo-Polynesian) any of a western subfamily of Western Malayo-Polynesian languages
  • (adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the northern Malay Peninsula and parts of the western Malay Archipelago

Malay sinonimai Malayan, Malaysian, Malayan, Malaysian

Netoliese Malay esantys žodžiai