variance lietuviškai

variance vertimas n 1) nesutarimas; kivirčas, barnis; to be at varibūti nevienodos nuomonės; to set at varisukiršinti, sukelti vaidą; 2) pakeitimas, permaina

  • be at variance with (v.) prieštarauti
  • be at variance (v.) kivirčytis, rietis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (deviation) an event that departs from expectations
  • (discordancy) discord that splits a group
  • (statistics) the 2nd moment around the mean; the expected value of the square of the deviations of a random variable from its mean value Topic: statistics. Type of: moment
  • (diff) a difference between conflicting facts, claims, or opinions
  • (changeableness) the quality of being subject to variation
  • (dispensation) an official dispensation to act contrary to a rule or regulation (typically a building regulation) Type of: dispensation
  • (activity) an activity that varies from a norm or standard

variance sinonimai change, contradiction, difference, disagreement, discord, discrepancy, dispute, divergence, division, variability, variableness, variant, variation, variety

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