pedigree lietuviškai

pedigree vertimas n genealogija, kilmė; pedigree cattle veisliniai gyvuliai

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (genealogy) the descendants of one individual
  • (breed) line of descent of a purebred animal Type of: breed
  • (derivation) ancestry of a purebred animal
  • (purebred) having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal

Pedigree sinonimai Family Tree, Genealogical Tree, Genealogic Tree, Genetic Identity, Identity, Genetic

pedigree sinonimai pedigreed, pureblood, pureblooded, thoroughbred, ancestry, blood, bloodline, blood line, breed, derivation, descent, extraction, family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, line of descent, lines of descendance, origin, parentage, parentele, race, rank, sib, stemma, stock

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