kick lietuviškai

kick vertimas 1. v 1) spirti; spardyti; 2) atitrenkti (apie šautuvą); atšokti; 3) spirtis; 4) amer.skųstis; to kick against/at priešintis, griežtai prieštarauti; to kick back a) atmokėti; b) atitrenkti (apie šautuvą); to kick off a) numesti batus; b) pradėti lošti futbolą, paduoti sviedinį; to kick oneselfpriekaištauti (sau); to kick out išvyti, išvaryti (ką nors); to kick up sukelti (dulkes, triukšmą);to kick smb upstairs garbingaiatleisti (suteikiant tariamai geresnę tarnybą); to kick against the pricks nusikamuoti (besipriešinant ar protestuojant); to kick downstairs nuleisti nuo laiptų; išmesti; to kick the bucket mirti; 2. n 1) smūgis koja, spyrimas; 2) (šautuvo) atatranka

  • give a kick (v.) įspirti, spirti
  • kick around (v.) grubiai/žiauriai elgtis su kuo, klajoti, bastytis
  • kick out (v.) pašalinti, išmesti
  • kick-sled (n.) vaikiška kėdutė ant pavažų, rogės, rogutės
  • kick about (v.) grubiai/žiauriai elgtis su kuo
  • kick about (v.) klajoti, bastytis
  • kick ass (v.) pranokti, pralenkti, būti pranašesniam
  • kick up (v.) sukelti
  • kick the bucket (v.) paskutinį kvapą išleisti, numirti, žūti, mirti, atsisveikinti su pasauliu, iškeliauti į amžinybę
  • kick in (v.) aukoti pinigų, duoti, duoti/aukoti pinigų, rašyti
  • kick one's heels (v.) gaišinti laiką, kankintis belaukiant
  • kick upstairs (v.) paaukštinti
  • corner kick (n.) kampinis
  • kick back (v.) atšokti atgal, atšokti, atsitrenkti
  • Penalty kick 11 metrų baudinys
  • kick downstairs (v.) pažeminti
  • Kick-'em-Jenny Kik em Dženi
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (blow) the act of delivering a blow with the foot
  • (exhilaration) the swift release of a store of affective force
  • (event noun) the backward jerk of a gun when it's fired
  • (stimulation) the sudden stimulation provided by strong drink (or certain drugs) Type of: stimulation
  • (move) a rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics
  • (speech act) the speech act of objecting
  • (sports) to drive or propel with the foot Topic: sports. Type of: propel. Followed by: move
  • (strike out) to thrash about or strike out with the feet Type of: strike out
  • (motorbike) to strike with the foot Type of: hit. Follows: motorbike
  • (dance) to kick a leg up Type of: dance
  • (bounce) to spring back, as from a forceful thrust
  • (waive) to stop consuming
  • (football game) to make a goal Topic: football game. Type of: score
  • (complain) to express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
  • (deliver, blow, foot) to deliver a blow with a foot

kick sinonimai bang, bitch, charge, complaint, flush, grouch, kicking, recoil, rush, shot, squawk, thrill, beef, boot, gripe, boot, give a kick, bitch, complain, foot, give a kick, give up, kick back, kvetch, plain, quetch, recoil, sound off, boot, boot

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