crowded lietuviškai

crowded vertimas a perpildytas; prigrūstas

  • crowd together (v.) susirinkti, spiestis
  • crowd round (v.) prisigrūsti, prigrūsti, užplūsti, apstumdyti, grumdyti
  • form a crowd (v.) susirinkti
  • crowd puller (n.) viliojantis dalykas, pagunda
  • crowded out (adj.) sausakimšas, pilnas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (move) to cause to herd, drive, or crowd together
  • (occupy) to fill or occupy to the point of overflowing Type of: occupy
  • (meet) to gather together in large numbers
  • (approach) to approach a certain age or speed
  • (overfilled, compacted, concentrated) overfilled, compacted, or concentrated Similar to: huddled, jammed, thronged
  • (confined) not free to move about

crowded sinonimai bustling, busy, close, dense, full, jammed, loaded, overcrowded, overgrown, overrun, packed, popular, populous, swarming

crowd sinonimai army, assemblage, assembly, audience, bunch, circle, clique, cohort, company, concourse, crew, flock, gang, gathering, herd, horde, host, mass, masses, mass of people, mob, multitude, populace, proletariat, public, rabble, set, spectators, throng, walk of life, crowd together, herd, push

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