flourish lietuviškai

flourish vertimas 1. v 1) bujoti, klestėti, tarpti; 2) mosuoti (ginklu ir pan.); 2. n 1) vingis rašte; 2) mosavimas (ginklu); 3) fanfaros; in full flourish pačiame žydėjime

  • make a flourish of (v.) įsivaizdinti, begėdiškai neigti, puikuotis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (gesture) a showy gesture Type of: gesture
  • (embellishment) an ornamental embellishment in writing Type of: embellishment
  • (grandiosity) a display of ornamental speech or language Type of: grandiosity
  • (waving) the act of waving
  • (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments
  • (grow) to grow vigorously
  • (change state) to make steady progress; to be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance
  • (move) to move or swing back and forth

flourish sinonimai brandish, dash, decoration, elan, embellishment, fanfare, prosperity, renewal, revival, rise, tucket, bloom, blossom, boom, brandish, expand, flower, fly high, grow, prosper, regenerate, thrive, wave

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